Joseph Rigby 

Data Engineer

A Brief Introduction 

The basics: im a proud dad of a wonderful 9 year old girl, a many year enthusiast of mediation and love a good run, swim or night in the mountains when I need to blow the dust off. 

With respect to my work related qualties, habits and interests, I would foremost describe myself as a creative individual with a small obsession for logitstics and getting the most out of my day... For exmaple I own two pairs of airpods so I never miss a zoom call !  I have a tendancy to view life first from the macro, before diving into the details and the same can be said of the projects I embark upon.  

Finally, in the spirit of keeping it brief I'd like to welcome you to my site, hopefully your experience will match its purpose.. to provide you with a sysematic and enjoyable way to discover all you need to know about me !

Location: Manchester, UK     Phone Number: +447712225411      Email:

CV & Cover Letter


 ETL Pipeline Project Overview

This is the culmination of an ETL pipeline project I worked on alongside four other colleages from northcoders. During this project I was primarily responsible for  the main lambda deployment script using python and boto3. My main objective was to create a script which deployed a lambda function to AWS as quickly and efficiently as possible. Whilst also ensuring reliability through mocked unit tests via moto3. On completiion,  largely as a result of the efficiency of my script, we were the only team of four to complete the project !

I'm sure it isnt perfect, but please feel free to view the script here:

Note: (I'm the second speaker)


Northcoders Data Engineer Certification

PCEP - Python Certificate

     IT Skills Certification

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